ESE Lightning Arrester Manufacturer

SG Power, a leading manufacturer and CE certified company in Earthing Solutions offers a tailor made exclusive range of ESE Lightning Conductor to its clients. This tailored product range is primarily used to provide all necessary details related to: Lightning strikes recorded and discharged safely using our lightning protection system. The products offered to our clients are made using premium grade raw material keeping in mind the specifications shared by our clients. These products are manufactured under stringent quality checks and standards as set and accepted internationally. The product range includes: 
ESE Lightning Arrester and Lightning Protection System and associated accessories. Our products have been in demand across our client base and are highly appreciated and recommended.

Our ESE lightning protection system is suitable to all climatic conditions and terrains in high altitudes. Designed and manufactured in accordance to the NFC 17-102 standard.

SG Make ESE LA advanced active lightning Arrester assures complete safety from direct lightning strike to structures within the radius of 39 meters to 107 meters. Duly tested for 250KA short circuit impulse current by reputed test lab, has cleared a temperature test of - 40 to 120 degrees Centigrade, advanced triggering time test of up to 60 microseconds, properly serial numbered and carries after sales support and product warranty

1. Stainless steel material body, with pointed tip.
2. Based on Active Early Streamer Emission principle and consists of Ion Generator.
3. Our Products and services come with complete after sales support and warranty.
4. A unique feature of our services is providing of the CPRI test report
5. Our unique designs are in line with the NFC17-102 standard.
6. Capable of controlling all types of lightning discharges.
7. Suitable for all weather and climatic conditions and useful across terrains.
8. Does not require any other additional power source


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